Discover what makes a tango leader the followers’ favourite choice…



…even if you aren´t the best dancer in the milonga



Based on thousands of answers from tango followers.

happy tango embrace


I am Dimitris Bronowski.

I write tango books & newsletters, grow tango apps, and keep learning & sharing what I learnt with dancers like you.

I wanted to know what makes women consider one man a wonderful leader and another just an average dancer.

Part of it was out of curiosity, part of it out of ego, part of it out of insecurity. 

It feels good to be acknowledged, it feels good to be goooood at something.

And it feels good to know how to become better.

So, I contacted over 8,000 followers, and asked them:

What makes a man go from good to great?

What makes you want to talk about this guy’s dance to your friends after your tanda?

And then I took it a step further.

I also asked thousands of men what they did to become better.

I put the answers together and created:

nice tango dance

The Wonderful Tango Leaders Blueprint

Here, you can discover in less than an hour what thousands of women consider to be a wonderful leader.

It’s short, no fluff, and to the point.

You will also discover what other leaders did to be considered as better leaders, someone that women want to dance with.

Free Access

Once you join the Wonderful Tango Leaders program you will also get:

👉Free access to the Curious Tanguero Advanced newsletter for 1 month. 

Here you’ll  discover how to create a more interesting dance without learning new steps, 

how to play with changes of dynamics,

and a clear guide on applied tango musicality that you can use even if you have trouble distinguishing one phrase from the other.

Value 14€/month

👉Free access to the audiobook Tangofulness: Exploring Connection, Awareness, and Meaning in Tango.

Value 14€

How to join?

If you can’t afford the tiny fee, I am here to help, contact me.

It’s there to help me bring food on the table and continue doing my best to help tango communities around the world.

hug happy tango

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this work anywhere? (Europe, US, etc.)

Yes. The program is based on the results of a survey that was sent to over 16,000 social tango dancers all around the world. The responses indicated that the reasons people choose or not to dance with someone are similar in all locations.

Can I watch the videos of the program whenever I want?

Yes, once you join you’ll have full access to the videos so that you can watch them (and re-watch them) when you want.

I believe that only the young and beautiful get to be appreciated in milongas. Is this program going to help me?

The focus of this program is to give you tools you can use no matter your age, level, or appearance.

English is my second language. Will I be able to follow?

English is my secong language too. So expect basic English in the program. And remember, you can always text me to ask questions and clarifications.

Do I need a partner?


About me


Warm tango embrace

My name is Dimitris Bronowski and I am a curious tanguero who wants to bring more people to tango and more tango to people.

Not a teacher, but a professional student.

Also, I like to create online tango projects.

I managed the growth of the Tango Partner app (16,000 active users so far), wrote a couple of tango books translated in 11 languages, created more tango checklists that I can recall and shared them with the community, did looots of interviews with tango professionals, and created many projects that aimed to create a happier tango community.

Daily, I come across wonderful tango advice, take private or group classes, and discover initiatives, resources, apps, books, platforms, etc. that can help tango leaders improve their dance, get more dances, discover and join great tango events, develop their embrace and much more.

My goal is to help tango grow,

And make people happier along the way.

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