Tango music – in images

I created the Curious Tanguero newsletter to help people enjoy tango more and progress easier.

As music played a significant role, and often feels very complicated, I looked for images that can help the readers understand it.

Below is the result of this mini-research.

Argentine Tango Music Visualized – Based on Time

Argentine tango music in images

I found this on Tango Notes.

If you visit the website, you can click on each period for each orchestra and see specific information and songs.

It’s a WONDERFUL resource, check it out.

13 tango orchestras – playing at the same period

13 tango orchestras on the same timeline

I found this on tango.uk.com.

In there you can also listen to spotify playlists, listen to tango music chronologically on a mini-YouTube video they prepared, and download a high resolution PDF of the Tango Orchestra Genealogy.

Tango Orchestras Timeline

Tango Orchestras Timeline

I found this on Tangopera

It’s a more complicated drawing, but it might be interesting for those tango dancers that want to go deeper into the interaction between orchestras.

From Guardia Vieja to Tango Rebirth

Tango orchestras and categories

I found this on Slideplayer.

There is actually a 12 minute musicality presentation there, that is, if you can stand the robotic voice.

Tango Music History – Timeline

chronological order of tango orchestras

I found this interactive timeline visualization on Prezi.

Just visit the website and click on the buttons to move left and right.

Share it with your friends!

And if you know of more cool resources that should be in this list, let me know.

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